Babcock Ranch Eco-Tours

Gift Ideas for Kids Who Have Everything


Think outside the gift box when choosing a present for the children in your life! Often toys and other gifts are loved for a few days and then forgotten about or get lost in the shuffle of all the gifts a child receives. However, gifting a child an experience provides a lifetime memory and a unique opportunity to learn, explore, and grow! This gift guide will provide you with some truly unique gift ideas for the Southwest Florida kids in your life who have everything:

A Babcock Ranch Swamp Buggy Eco Tour

For a child who loves trucks, animals, or nature—- it doesn’t get much better than a trip to Babcock Ranch for a Swamp Buggy Eco Tour! This unique 90-minute tour invites your child to explore their surroundings, learn about the world around them, and spot some of Southwest Florida’s most beautiful wildlife. Babcock Ranch offers gift certificates, or you can book a tour on a specific day to bring a little one on a super special adventure through Florida’s ecosystems!

Enjoy a Special One-on-One Meal Together

Any good gift guide should recognize that it’s not just the experience itself that matters— but the quality time you get to spend with a little one is a gift in itself! While a Swamp Buggy Eco Tour is a fabulous experience for any kiddo, pairing it with some time when all your attention is on them can make them feel extra special. So after your eco-tour, consider having a one-on-one meal together at the Gator Shack. The restaurant even offers dessert options that are perfect to celebrate any special occasion!

Start A New Tradition

Rather than a one-time gift, consider starting a tradition with a child that they can look forward to for many years to come! For example, how about trying a new eco-tour at Babcock Ranch every year? Maybe this year you take the Swamp Buggy Eco-Tour, next year you surprise them with a specialty photography tour at Babcock Ranch, and the year after that you go on a “Sounds of the Night” tour together? It’s a gift guide idea that mixes tradition with novelty exploration— the best of both worlds!


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