If you are looking for a deep dive into the world of alligators and how they differ from crocodiles, there is no better way than through group educational tours! These tours at Babcock Ranch Eco Tours will make you an expert in alligator facts and a lover of all things reptile! Here’s a brief look at some of the wildlife insights you’ll get on a specialized group educational tour on alligators vs crocodiles:


Understanding Your Surroundings

One of the key ways to tell apart a crocodile from an alligator is to clue into your surroundings. While crocodiles live all over the world, you’ll only find alligators in the US or China. However, South Florida is the only place you’ll find both animals in the wild! That means, unlike other locations around the world, you may need to differentiate between the two here.

The first step you’ll want to take is to notice the type of water that surrounds you. On group educational tours in the marshy swamps of Babcock Ranch, you’ll be much more likely to see an alligator. Why? Alligators hang out in freshwater rather than the salty waters crocodiles call home!


Sizing Up a Gator

Once you’ve got a good look at the ecosystem and surroundings you’re in, it’s time to start your search to spot a crocodile or gator! The first thing you may notice about both of these reptiles is their size. Alligators can get pretty big but they won’t be able to grow to the size a crocodile can. If it’s over 15 feet long, that’s no gator— you’ve likely got a crocodile on your hands! Don’t have your tape measure handy? Don’t worry, there are more tricks to tell an alligator apart from a crocodile.


My, What Big Teeth You Have

If you find yourself stumped on whether you have a large gator or a small crocodile on your hands— look to their mouth! Just don’t get too close for this inspection! Crocodiles can’t hide their teeth when their mouths are closed. Alligators don’t have the same underbite issue and their teeth stay neatly tucked away. Mouth closed and no teeth in sight— that’s an alligator! If you are still unsure, take a look at their snout. A pointy snout, like the letter “V”, means crocodile. A “U” shape signals an alligator. Crocodile’s snouts also tend to be longer and thinner than alligators.


Group Educational Tours: Never Guess Again.

Tired of making guesses and want to know for sure whether you are looking at an alligator or a crocodile? Let your guide do the deliberations for you on one of Babcock Ranch Eco Tour’s group educational tours! These specialized tours are open to students, youth clubs, corporations, and other parties of 10 people or more. To learn more about these tours and how to book one for your large group, call us at 800-500-5583 or fill out our online form.